Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
I hope all our US readers had a great day and are enjoying their holiday weekend ;0)
It's time to announce the WINNER of our 31 Days of Halloween Contest
and give kudos to the TOP 3!
and the WINNER is
Grab this blog badge to proudly display on your blog!!
Here's the URL to link to your project:
Please email me with your name and snail address to receive your prize!
Congratulations to the following participants who all tied into the TOP 3 with the most votes!
Display this TOP 3 badge on your blogs!
Day 4 - Skeleton Domino Book also by Sandra
and give kudos to the TOP 3!
and the WINNER is
Sandra and Yohan!
Congratulations you won the contest on Day 18 with your spooktacular
"The Halloween Parade"
Here's the URL to link to your project:
Please email me with your name and snail address to receive your prize!

Congratulations to the following participants who all tied into the TOP 3 with the most votes!
Display this TOP 3 badge on your blogs!
Day 4 - Skeleton Domino Book also by Sandra
Day 16 - Ouija Board Domino Necklace by Pilar F
Day 17 - Domino Book by JoAnne
Day 19 - Vintage Domino Pick by Charlotte
Day 20 - Book of Halloween Domino Book by Evelyne
Day 24 - Spider Domino Necklace by Jennifer
Day 28 - Witch's Secret Force Vessel also by Jennifer
Day 31 - Keeper of Lost Souls by Leigh S-B - just a little pat on the back for me LOL ;0)
You can grab your Day links from the left hand side bar!
You can grab your Day links from the left hand side bar!
Thank you to everyone who participated, all the domino and game piece related artwork was truly spooktacular and I appreciate you sharing your artwork on DominoART!
See you next Halloween ;0)