Welcome back to
DominoART for
Day 24 of our
31 Days of Halloween Scarefest
and mammoth blog hop with
Smeared and Smudged!
We're nearing the end already but if you're just stopping by for the first time then you'll find all the info and can start the hop on
Terra's blog! The 39 Wicked Bloggers list is over there on the right side bar in case you get lost! Thank you everyone for all the love you are leaving us all, we really do appreciate all your comments!
Now for Day 24's project by
Leigh S-B aka The Sharpie Domino Queen,
yep, it's my turn again ;0)
Today's post is photo and info heavy, sorry, so I hope you can stick around long enough to scroll all the way down to see everything! Also another one of my ball jointed dolls is guest appearing today, say hello to Bella the Bat ;0) Take it away, Bella!
"The Vampire Cat and The Raven"
Super-sized Domino Accordion Folder
by Leigh S-B
Bella says...."TADA! see...the vampire cat is on the front and the raven is on the back and look at this GORE-geous enormous black bow holding the folder closed!" |
Today is Smeared Ink Day and I'm excited coz all the Smeared Ink Rubber Club members are starting to receive "Autumn's Pencil" in their mailboxes, which is my tangled Halloween/Autumn inspired rubber stamps designed
exclusively for Smeared Ink :0) Julia has already been creating and shared her clawesome duo pumpkins card on her blog yesterday and the GORE-geous coffin pendant today! So loving seeing everyone creating with my designs!!!!!! FYI, you no longer have to be a member of the Rubber Club to order Smeared Ink stamps and you can order my set in November...but you get discounts if you belong to the club, just saying ;0)
My project today features the large vampire cat and the raven as well as portions of the large background and the narrow border stamps on the covers and the sides of the dominoes.
"Autumn's Pencil" consists of Egyptian-styled Vampire cats, a Raven, Pumpkins, a Witch's Hat, a large background plus a narrow border stamp! Look closely at all the details coz there's dripping blood, eyeballs and human teeth mixed in there too, oh my, Bwahahahahahaha!
The vampire cat has an Egyptian style to it so I drew in the Eye of Horus on the Raven to keep in with the theme. |
I used 4 super-sized dominoes to make the covers of my accordion folder!
Super-sized are aprrox. 1.25" x 2.5" compared to the standard domino which are 1" x 2". Perfect to use for the larger stamps.
here you can see the folder open and the big bow tied on top to keep it closed
click the pic to enlarge for a better look |
I upcycled the glossy black sleeves from After Eight chocolate mints to make my honeycomb-like accordion pockets inside. The pockets are glued to each other down the centers and the folder can expand outwards and stand open or the covers can lie flat and the pockets fan out for easy access which you can see in the photo below. I love tiny things and love making tiny accordion folders to keep all my little goodies in. This one has some postage stamps and paper ephemera in it that I plan to use in some upcoming projects.
there's 11 sleeves in there making up the accordion pockets. I would have added more but the rest were sticky, eeewww, but I must say my project has a nice minty aroma to it LOL ;0) |
Before doing my main stamping I first wanted to add a ghost image as a background so I stamped the large background stamp onto all the dominoes with black StazOn ink and immediately rubbed it off. Some areas I rubbed off more than others to achieve a distressed ghost image effect. I then stamped the main images onto the dominoes with black StazOn ink and heat set before colouring them with Sharpie markers in my signature
Sharpie Domino Queen style.
The dominoes are adhered together with Judikins Diamond Glaze and I also used it to adhere two square pieces of thick cardboard to the backs of each cover to make them stronger before adding the accordion pockets. The black silk ribbon, which I gleaned from a Bebe shopping bag, was sandwiched between the dominoes and the cardboard first. All the dominoes are edged, front and back, with a chisel tip black Sharpie and the black cardboard was also partly coloured black too. The dominoes are all sealed with a coat of Delta Ceramcoat matte varnish. I usually seal all my Sharpie domino creations with Judkins Diamond Glaze but that makes them really hard to photograph so lately I've been going with a matte finish instead. I might add the hi-gloss back to this one now that you've seen it though.
Bella would like to say BYE!
...she threatened to bite me if I didn't add her in at the end!
Isn't she a cutie! ;0)
See you again tomorrow for Day 25!
You're next stop on the hop is Steph
Domino Hugs!