We create altered game art from dominoes to jigsaw pieces and beyond...If it's a Game we Alter it! Come & play in our monthly challenges and fun events throughout the year!

Friday, March 28, 2014

DominoART Challenge #10: Any Game Goes Using Stencils!

Howzit Dominoians!
First of all I'd like to welcome all my new followers to DominoART, I'm thrilled you found us and just in time for a new DominoART Challenge too ;0)

Thank you to those who entered DominoART Challenge #9, I had hoped the altered boxes theme would attract more players so hopefully this next one will do the trick ;0) 
I need a minimum of 3 players for a prize to be awarded but I would like to award an Honourable Mention blog badge to...

Thanks for sharing your stunning project with us :0)

Please display your badge on your blog with pride and link it to DominoART!

DominoART Challenge #10
Any Game Goes Using Stencils!
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ONE WINNER will receive an awesome 6 x 6 Jigsaw Puzzle StencilGirl stencil!  Woohoo!

Lost Coast Designs Owl rubber stamp - click to enlarge
 I'm recovering from surgery so I'm re-sharing my Puzzled Owl Domino Magnet project featuring StencilGirl's Jigsaw Puzzle stencil and Lost Coast Designs Owl stamp as inspiration!  I challenge you to alter any REAL game piece of your choice like a domino, playing card, large jigsaw puzzle piece etc, with any theme and use any company's stencil on it!

On Monday March 24 DominoART took part in a one day blog hop with Lost Coast Designs and StencilGirl, but don't worry if you missed it coz everyone has until March 30th to hop and comment to be included in the drawing for an awesome giveaway!  Click HERE to go to my hop post and get all the deets!  Also stop by Lost Coaster's Review blog for my more in depth post on this project next week too!

The Challenge starts now!
I can't wait to see how YOU combine game pieces with stencils!
Please don't forget to leave a comment when you link your projects...players are forgetting to do that and we really would love to hear from you ;0)

Submit your creations via the inlinkz collection below!
If you're playing with us for the first time then don't forget to check out our

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Domino Hugs!


  1. Thanks a lot for your honourable mention award; I already placed the badge on my blog :) It was a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to the recent challenge.
    hugs, serafeena

  2. Congrats Serafeena, great project!
    Going to try to get to this round, love those stencils.

  3. Lovely challenge! Just managed to get my entry in :)


Thank you so much for stopping by DominoART and leaving your kind comments! I truly appreciate hearing from you and don't hesitate to ask if you've got any questions too ;0)
Domino Hugs!
Leigh S~B

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